
The protests in 2019 that began in opposition to a now-withdrawn extradition bill to allow fugitives to be renditioned to mainland China exploded into a months-long anti-government movement. My reporting on the protests ranged from live coverage and long-form analysis.

Protesters, police fight pitched battles after historic ‘million-strong’ march against Hong Kong’s controversial extradition bill turns violent

Students at Hong Kong secondary schools form human chains as part of class boycott, with pupils at one accusing management of restricting freedom of expression

Hong Kong protests and ‘fake news’: in the psychological war for hearts and minds, disinformation becomes a weapon used by both sides

I was dispatched to Wuhan to cover what was only known as a mysterious pneumonia in early January 2020. In the time since, I have covered human rights abuses in China relating to pandemic controls, scientific research such as vaccine development and the emergence of new variants.

How Disease X, the epidemic-in-waiting, erupted in China

Locked in the land of loss and regretting: one month in China under coronavirus siege

Homo Deus author Yuval Harari shares pandemic lessons from past and warnings for future

Illustration by Lau Ka-kuen

The space for dissent and human rights abuses have deteriorated since Chinese President Xi Jinping came to power in 2012 and since the pandemic. I have covered abuses in Xinjiang, where minorities such as the Turkic-speaking Uyghurs, have been subjected to mass internment, forced labour and birth control campaigns.

China defends its ‘vocational training centres’ in Xinjiang white paper

Liberal voices in China fall silent after coronavirus

Coronavirus: Chinese woman spent six months behind bars for Covid-19 social media post, court document shows

See more of my reporting at the South China Morning Post here, and Technode here.